Lorna Scott Fitness
Lorna Scott Fitness

Abs Blast

Abs Blast is a quick and intensive abs workout that engages all of the muscles of your core.

We work through 7 different exercises, and each exercise is done twice for a total of 14 sets of abs blasting with minimal breaks. We even show you ways to modify each exercise (easier and harder) so you can challenge yourself to your personal maximum.


To get the most out of this routine be sure to focus on moving slowly, while trying to get a full range of motion, and for an added muscle burn, don’t let your muscles relax until your time is up for each set.


One of the key ways to building muscles that maintain their shape even when not in use is working them on a regular basis, and being sure to keep them contracted as best you can. Improving muscle tone is great for improving body shape, but it also improves your metabolism.

What to Wear


The Abs Blast sessions are short, but you will be working hard, so comfortable, breathable non-restrictive clothing will be essential.


Our Abs Blast sessions always involve floor work and an exercise mat or towel is essential. A number of exercises may also include the use of an exercise ball. This can be purchased relatively cheaply, or you can substitute it with a small cushion.


As with all exercise, it is important to remain well hydrated and we strongly suggest having water to drink throughout all of our classes.

Winter 2022 Timetable
Winter Timetable.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [56.5 KB]

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Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [68.1 KB]

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