Lorna Scott Fitness
Lorna Scott Fitness

OnDemand Classes

Our OnDemand classes provide the perfect supplement to your exercise regime.


In the modern world, with our lives busier than ever, we all need to maximise efficiency and truly nothing is more convenient than exercising from home with a video. Even if you travel frequently, OnDemand classes are incredibly accessible. With OnDemand classes, traffic is never an issue and neither is parking. Or the weather. Or a busy diary - you can do them wherever and WHENEVER it is convenient for you. You only need a small space. And your shower is right there when you finish your class!

Make Best Use of What Time (and Energy) You Have!


With our OnDemand classes, you are not committed to a particular time or effort on any given day. Sometimes it’s great to exercise and pour sweat, but some days not so much.


When you depend on getting to a class, it can feel like "all or nothing". You may have to psych yourself up to get there, and if you don’t make it, you may end up with no activity that day at all. If you only have time (or energy) for a short workout, completing a 15-minute Abs Blast session is a huge success. You’re going to feel so much better after it!


And with Lorna Scott Fitness you can have it both ways; when you feel like going to a class and seeing your instructor in the flesh, do it! And when you don’t, an OnDemand class is so easy to substitute. It’s a win for the day.

Online Workouts Offer Familiar Comfort Too


Variety is great for those times when you want to do something new, but much of the time many of us want to do something familiar. There’s comfort in a known exercise routine; knowing just where the tough parts of the class are, just where the fun parts are and seeing just how much you’ve progressed since the first time you did it!

Winter Timetable
Winter Timetable.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [56.5 KB]

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Any Questions?


Call me on 07779 089850

or use our contact form.

Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [68.1 KB]

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