Lorna Scott Fitness
Lorna Scott Fitness

Online Live Streamed Classes via Zoom

Newly established, to meet the needs of our clients during "Lockdown"; the live streamed classes via Zoom are a huge hit. In fact, over 80% of our clients would like Zoom classes to remain on our timetable even as Face to Face classes resume!

Our live streamed classes are a convenient way to participate in an exercise class wherever you are!  Each class is designed to be suitable to be completed with limited space; they can be carried out in almost any sized room!

Zoom is the best system on the market to facilitate group exercise and can be used via a smart phone or tablet, or a desktop computer or laptop. The application is simple to setup and easy to use and the inbuilt security is sufficient to meet our needs.

Tempted, but not sure it's for you? This is some of the feedback that we have had from our members:

  • "... I am really happy doing 3 classes a week (via Zoom) and realise I could never achieve that in physical classes. I am a huge Zoom convert..."
  • "... there is no time spent travelling to and from the venue, or parking!"
  • "I don't need to get a babysitter, I just put my toddler to bed at 6.45pm and start my class at 7pm. Perfect!"
  • "... the way the Zoom app sets out the video makes me feel as though I am having a personal training session..."
  • "... I can do Fitness Pilates in my pyjamas in my living room..."
  • "... I can take part during my lunch hour at work."
  • "... the sessions always open 15 minutes early and I really enjoy the opportunity to chat to Lorna and some of the other clients, before the exercise begins"
  • "I travel quite a lot and now I don't need to miss my exercise classes when I'm away. I can take Lorna with me!"
Winter Timetable
Winter Timetable.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [56.5 KB]

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Any Questions?


Call me on 07779 089850

or use our contact form.

Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [68.1 KB]

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